Monday, September 24, 2012

Noshing on some 'za!

Mmmm pizza.....*drool* Growing up we had pizza night, every Saturday night, without fail, my family and I would enjoy a delicious pizza from our local grocer. Whether it was the whole family sitting down at the table or the rare times that our parents let us have picnics in the den (plastic picnic blanket and all), we always looked forward to it! Plus it was the only night we were allowed to have soda with dinner. Oh the memories! Being huge Ninja Turtles fans my older sister and I had an even softer spot for pizza :)

Well, now that I'm "a grown up" (not really, but let's pretend) I have to take my eating in to my own hands..or mouth ;) I am constantly trying to create delicious and nutritious meals, and healthier versions of my favorites that I just can't give up. And this week I took on pizza. Sure, I've made healthier pizza by making my own crust, my own sauce, better cheese, more veggies, but this week I decided to try something new; portabella pizza! I'm not typically a big mushroom fan, and in fact I've stay away from these mushrooms for years! But, I finally put on my big girl pants and decided to give them a try! I've heard good things, but remained a skeptic. Thankfully, I have now freed myself from a prison of my own design! Portabella mushrooms are awesome. They are definitely a new love for me! In the upcoming weeks I am planning to try them in a variety of different ways! But, this week was pizza, so without further a do, here is my delicious recipe!
Portabella Mushroom Pizza

2 Portabella Mushroom caps
1/4 Shredded Mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup Pizza Sauce 


First preheat the over to 350. Then clean out the gills from the portabella mushroom, and any stem that might be left over and place your mushrooms on a foil lined cookie sheet.

Next measure out the sauce and distribute amongst the caps, and top with the cheese! Viola! You can also add any toppings you like, but this time I made mine plain cheese. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese starts to melt!

And enjoy! You're going to definitely need to eat these with a fork and knife! The mushroom doesn't firm up like a tough crust, but it is still delicious!

Do you have any exciting portabella recipes?

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