Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Biker babe

Well, as you may be coming to know, I am a runner at heart. It's my preferred exercise, and something I truly look forward to and enjoy. And as a runner, I also enjoy participating in races, and this weekend I have one coming up! I'm really excited about it!!! But, this race is going to be a rather long one, so I'm trying to save my legs this week by not running until the race, which is pretty hard for me. I get antsy, irritable, anxious, and I'm typically bouncing off the walls when I don't get to run. However, running isn't the only exercise known to man, so thankfully there a tons of other options for me to burn of some excess energy with! So yesterday I decided to take my bike out for a spin!

I want to ride my biiiicycle!

It was really fun! And more challenging than I expected! I had forgotten how much the wind can affect a bike ride! Thankfully I live in Florida, the flattest land in the world, but the wind did add some challenge! I think I might add biking in more frequently, even if it is just a short ride after a run!

What are some activities you enjoy but don't do too often?

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