Thursday, September 27, 2012

Run for the hills!!!

Actually, the run I'm doing this weekend is for Autism Speaks, "an organization dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder." 10 miles.! But it should be a great race! I'm going with a friend of mine and her friend, so it will also be a girls weekend, which should be fun! I'll write a post about the race on Monday, hopefully to include some awesome pics of me during and after the race!

Run!!! They're right behind you! (courtesy of Run Disney)

So, what race am I running? Why, it's the Tower of Terror 10 miler!!!  This is my very first Disney race, which I am super excited about, and it's the longest race I've run to date! I'm really excited and really nervous all at the same time! Mostly, I'm excited! My main goal is to run the whole thing, my secondary goal is to run it in 2 hours or less...we shall see! I guess my main focus should be to finish; although I have total confidence that unless something bad happens during the race ( don't worry I've already created an innumerable list inside my head of what those things could be from breaking my ankle to a freak bird accident) I will be fine! This will also be my last run in my old shoes. Tomorrow we leave and kick off the weekend, I can't wait!!

So, my dear blog friends, that is where I will be this weekend! I hope you all have a fun and active weekend this weekend, and wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Biker babe

Well, as you may be coming to know, I am a runner at heart. It's my preferred exercise, and something I truly look forward to and enjoy. And as a runner, I also enjoy participating in races, and this weekend I have one coming up! I'm really excited about it!!! But, this race is going to be a rather long one, so I'm trying to save my legs this week by not running until the race, which is pretty hard for me. I get antsy, irritable, anxious, and I'm typically bouncing off the walls when I don't get to run. However, running isn't the only exercise known to man, so thankfully there a tons of other options for me to burn of some excess energy with! So yesterday I decided to take my bike out for a spin!

I want to ride my biiiicycle!

It was really fun! And more challenging than I expected! I had forgotten how much the wind can affect a bike ride! Thankfully I live in Florida, the flattest land in the world, but the wind did add some challenge! I think I might add biking in more frequently, even if it is just a short ride after a run!

What are some activities you enjoy but don't do too often?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Noshing on some 'za!

Mmmm pizza.....*drool* Growing up we had pizza night, every Saturday night, without fail, my family and I would enjoy a delicious pizza from our local grocer. Whether it was the whole family sitting down at the table or the rare times that our parents let us have picnics in the den (plastic picnic blanket and all), we always looked forward to it! Plus it was the only night we were allowed to have soda with dinner. Oh the memories! Being huge Ninja Turtles fans my older sister and I had an even softer spot for pizza :)

Well, now that I'm "a grown up" (not really, but let's pretend) I have to take my eating in to my own hands..or mouth ;) I am constantly trying to create delicious and nutritious meals, and healthier versions of my favorites that I just can't give up. And this week I took on pizza. Sure, I've made healthier pizza by making my own crust, my own sauce, better cheese, more veggies, but this week I decided to try something new; portabella pizza! I'm not typically a big mushroom fan, and in fact I've stay away from these mushrooms for years! But, I finally put on my big girl pants and decided to give them a try! I've heard good things, but remained a skeptic. Thankfully, I have now freed myself from a prison of my own design! Portabella mushrooms are awesome. They are definitely a new love for me! In the upcoming weeks I am planning to try them in a variety of different ways! But, this week was pizza, so without further a do, here is my delicious recipe!
Portabella Mushroom Pizza

2 Portabella Mushroom caps
1/4 Shredded Mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup Pizza Sauce 


First preheat the over to 350. Then clean out the gills from the portabella mushroom, and any stem that might be left over and place your mushrooms on a foil lined cookie sheet.

Next measure out the sauce and distribute amongst the caps, and top with the cheese! Viola! You can also add any toppings you like, but this time I made mine plain cheese. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese starts to melt!

And enjoy! You're going to definitely need to eat these with a fork and knife! The mushroom doesn't firm up like a tough crust, but it is still delicious!

Do you have any exciting portabella recipes?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pumped up kicks

One of the best things about my preferred physical activity, running, is that you really don't need any equipment. Sure you can buy many marketed electronic gadgets, but the heart of running is just you putting one foot in front of the other. There is one piece of equipment, however, that is fairly important. You need it to be in top shape to prevent injury, to be able to run your best, and to feel your best; shoes. I finally, after waiting much too long, got a new pair of running shoes!! Not only are they totally awesome to look at, they are also extremely comfortable and provide great cushioning! This is my first pair of asics, so I will keep you on the loop about how I like them over my usual Nike shoes. But, I won't start using them until after my race next week! I'm looking forward to it though! Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great weekend, now on to football!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Better than Starbucks

Oh sweet pumpkin-y goodness!!! Like moths to a flame, every fall people run to Starbucks to get their much beloved pumpkin lattes. I used to be one of the moths, but not anymore! Now I am able to enjoy the deliciousness of pumpkin lattes without leaving the comfort of my house! This is not my original recipe, my sister was the one that introduced it to me, but it is definitely worth sharing.

All you need is:
  • 1 cup of strong coffee
  • 2 Tbsp of pumpkin
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Pumpkin pie spice
  • Vanilla
  • The yummy ingredients ready to go

    Heat the milk and pumpkin in a sauce pan for 5-6 minutes, basically as long as it take you to make a nice strong bit of coffee and for the pumpkin and milk to come together. Add in the pumpkin spice right before you remove it from the heat and then add the vanilla. Whisk the pumpkin and milk mix very well and then pour through a mesh strainer into your mug. And finally pour your coffee over top and enjoy!!

    Yummy-ness! With homemade biscotti! <3

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall in love with Orzo

This year, like every year, I am excitedly ready for Autumn! And even though I typically try to hold out to do any fall like things, such as decorations, filling my house with lovely fall scented candles, and making yummy fall-tastic meals, this year I just couldn't help myself. So last weekend I dove head first into Autumn, and made my first Autumn dinner of the year. Orzo with ginger caramelized fall veggies. SO YUMMY!!! As you get to read this more and get to know me more you will start to learn a few things about me. One thing I like to do is prep things in advance. Not typically days, but if I know I'm making something with a lot of chopping and dicing, I typically try to do that long before dinner so that when it comes time to cook, all I have to do is cook! :)

Here is a lovely picture off all my sliced, diced, chopped, minced, and grated ingredients!

All fresh, organic (except the ginger), and looking so yummy I was ready to dive right in! But alas, it was about 10am, no where near dinner time. So I stuffed it all into my fridge and went about my day, doing laundry, watching hours of football, and enjoying a lovely Sunday, until finally it was time to make dinner!

All the yummy ingredients for my delicious dinner

A delightful bounty full of yummy veggies, beautiful colors, and delicious ingredients. And, without further ado, here is the recipe, in case anyone wants to give it a whirl!

Ingredients :
  • Salt
  • 1/2 pound orzo pasta
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 large sweet potato (about 3/4 pound)
  • 2 medium onions (about 1 pound), finely diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3-inch piece fresh ginger — peeled and grated, about 1 tablespoon
  • 6 ounces shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and caps diced
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 3 big leaves chard or kale, stalks removed and leaves finely chopped — about 2 cups
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Parmesan, optional
  • Aidele's Chicken Apple Sausage 2 links

Cook your orzo for about 6 minutes, until barely done. Drain it and toss with about a tbsp of olive oil and set aside.

In a separate pan cook the sausages until done. Wait to slice them into bite sized pieces until you are ready to add them to vegetable near the end.

Peel and cut the sweet potato into about 1/2 inch cubes. Heat a large frying pan and add a little vegetable oil and heat until very hot. Add the sweet potatoes and arrange them in one layer. Cook them over high heat until they begin to caramelize and brown (about 4 minutes). Flip them over and cook for another 3 minutes or so.

Turn down the heat and push the sweet potatoes up in a pile against one side of the pan. Next, add the onion to the pan and sprinkle with a little salt. Cook,, until the onions are begin to brown. Add the garlic and ginger and mix them into the onions. Push the onions off to the side of the pan, next to the sweet potatoes.

Add the mushrooms to the pan and cook them for 4 minutes. Then flip and cook for another 4 minutes.

In a small bowl, whisk together the vinegar, soy sauce, and 2 tablespoons of oil. Add to the pan and mix with the vegetables. Cook all together for about 3 minutes. Then turn the heat up to high.

Add the orzo gradually, stirring and scraping constantly. Cook the orzo with the vegetables for about 5 minutes,browning the orzo.

And your sliced up sausages.

Finally, add the greens to the mix and cook for 1 more minute or until the greens are barely wilted. Add salt and pepper if needed. Serve hot, and enjoy!

The final product!

My hubby gave it two thumbs way up!!! So, give it a try and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pound the pavement!

Well, this weekend was a busy one full of new recipes and lots of working out! Thankfully, my workout partner was up to the challenge! :) She bounced along as we racked up well over 15 miles this weekend! Which also led us to an interesting discovery! While on our typical early morning Sunday walk, during our usual route, we heard ....... cows. What? Where? How????? Many unanswered questions. I had no clue we lived near a farm, let alone one that has livestock. So, we were rather surprised.....well, actually I was, I don't think Olive even noticed. I did of course point it out to her, but she still wasn't interested. And, I did take lots of yummy photos of the food I made!!! HOPEFULLY, I will be able to get some up here along with the recipes.

Stay tuned!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Welcome to Fit Happens!


This blog is going to be about me, my workouts, my adventures in healthy cooking, and my workout partner..Olive. With guest appearances from my husband when he decides to join in and of course  his feedback from some of the recipes. So, sit back and enjoy the ride.