Sunday, October 7, 2012

Beautiful nutrition

Have you ever noticed that the most nutritious food is also some of the most beautiful food? I was thinking about this very the yesterday as I sat down to enjoy my highly nutritious and absolutely delicious lunch. Here is a lovely picture of it :
Look how yummy! In case you can't determine what everything is, and besides I like going into detail on such things, here is the list of what I ate(all organic of course except for the cheese...and water); 1/4 of a cantaloupe, ~1/4 of a cucumber, a few grape tomatoes, ~a dozen raspberries, a babybel original cheese, a carrot, a peach, a sprouted ezekial cinnamon raisin english muffin toasted with a tbsp of almond butter, 1/2 cup of whole milk yogurt, and a bottle of water. Needless to say I was stuffed afterwards! But just look at the colors! A rainbow of nutrition! This is my typical lunch, or somewhere close to this anyways. Typically a lot of fruits and veggies and some protein thrown in, with a bit of dairy. You just feel good eating like this. I know that when I am indulging my husband and going to restaurants that suffer from a severe lack of freshness, I always feel bloated and heavy afterwards, which I HATE! Thankfully, I cook 99% of our meals!

So go out and enjoy your Sunday! And don't forget to enjoy some delicious, and beautiful, fresh food today!

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